Sunday, August 19, 2007

The newest member of my family

I recently went to Atlanta to visit my sister, my niece Caroline, and to meet my new nephew, Ryan (also known as Little Man). Caroline will be 3 years old at the beginning of October. I see her every few months, but it's amazing the amount she changes in the few months I don't see her. The last time I saw her was at the beginning of May. On this visit, she was talking a ton....and I was pretty amazed at her vocabulary. She is quite the chatty Cathy! She pulled out the word "frustrated" (or "fus-ter-a-ted") and used it in the correct context. We were reading a book for the second time, and she remembered lots of little details from the story. She is quite smart. And sassy! I had to tell her several times that she is not the boss of me.....

Ryan is a little pudgeball. When I first held him, he cried after about 30 seconds. Not sure if it was because he sensed my discomfort around babies (I'm not so good with the babies.....they scare me) or because right now, he is a total momma's boy. Pretty much, most of the time, he wants to be held by mommy. But I'm happy to say, that by the end of the trip, we worked up to me holding him for about 5 minutes before he started to wail. That's progress!

My sister is a great mom. I don't know how she juggles everything. I don't think I could do it!

Can't wait to see them all again at Christmastime.

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