Sunday, August 26, 2007

What's More Entertaining Than A Pageant!

I was not aware that the Miss Teen USA pageant was airing on Friday night. I just happened to come across it about 10 minutes in when I was flipping around the channels. It's a shame that I had to watch by myself. Pageants are a ritual and must watch for my friend K and I. We often wear our own tiaras and judge from the couch (of course, coming up with our own scoring/ranking system). We actually are very accurate.....Often times, we can pick out the winner of the whole thing just from the opening montage where all 51 contestants introduce themselves. Not to brag, but we are quite impressive! We many times have also picked all the girls who end up in the top 5 just from the start of the show.

We also like to discuss the elements of various pageants that are good and the pageant is actually put together.....from the host, how the girls are actually presented, musical selections, question and answer portions (which we agree, there is never enough of.....that's the best evidenced by the YouTube clip I've posted). I dare say that she and I, if given the opportunity, could put together a stellar pageant, taking portions from the Miss USA, Miss America, Miss Teen USA, and Miss Universe pageants. We often lament that they don't have a civilian judge amongt the B-list, C-list, and reality tv celebrities on the panel. Our voice is not being heard!

In the past two years, my friend and I have actually gone to two state pageants. That's right! Don't judge......if you went, you would have an amazing 3 hours too. If nothing else, it's worth the price of admission to people watch. Many in the audience are pageant winners so they are wearing their sashes and crowns. Then there are people who come very gussied up in evening gowns, with heavily made up faces and their hair did.....JUST TO WATCH! I love it. I always feel underdressed. Maybe that's the reason K and I always move seats and go to the back, with no one else sitting near us. Or maybe it's more so that we can make fun of stuff and have running commentary during the pageant without fear of disturbing/offending other, more serious, spectators around us. So far we've attended the Miss New Hampshire pageant and the Miss Massachusetts pageant for Miss America. FANTASTIC! Our goal is to hit all the New England state pageants, then perhaps go down a notch and check out one of the pageants leading up to the state pageants. I bet they are brilliant. With of course, our ultimate goal.....going to see Miss USA or Miss America live. I think it will happen.......

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